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"Emalia" is a touching love story about a mother's devotion to her daughter during her final years. From the start to the finish, Brooke Brown and Emalia will truly captivate your heart. This journey will make you laugh, cry, and cherish the beautiful connection between two remarkable souls. Emalia was a radiant presence on Earth, and her light continues to shine from beyond. I highly recommend this book to everyone, especially those experiencing grief.
Kay gives both psychic (all about you) and mediumistic (communication from the spirit word). Please know, Kay cannot guarantee who will come through from the spirit world.
Kay also will not make major decisions for you in your life. She can help you see possibilities and or different roads you can travel. Ultimately all decisions about your life are your decision. Kay also is not a fortune teller. She might see future possibilities but your actions will dictate if the possibilities come to fruition.
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Kay is currently unavailable for private readings due to increasing commitments. She may open up space for readings again when time allows. Thank you for your understanding.