Level 1: Foundations of Mediumship
Make it happen
Okay guys, here is where YOU start! I know, it’s crazy. I know you think, naw I this can’t be true. I’m making this up.
What if I told you you’re not making it up? What if I told you there are many others in the same boat as you?
It’s true. You’re not alone.
Today, is the beginning of the rest of your life. Things are about to get CrAzY!
Buckle in
I am not going to sugar coat it for you. There will be highs. There will be lows. There will be moments of what the heck is happening. That is normal. We all start there. It’s part of the journey.
You see, not only are you learning to use your spiritual gifts, you are also shedding all that no longer serves your higher purpose. You are healing all past traumas as you prepare yourself to be mentally fit to serve as a medium.
We all go through this shedding so, buckle up.
It’s your journey
This is YOUR journey. Compare yourself only to where you were and where you are now. Pay no attention to someone else’s journey. All journey’s are unique. Honor that. Stay strong. Stay focused. Enjoy
Kay is here for you if you have any questions. Join her Facebook group Mediumship Development - Mediums Corner to ask your questions and be surrounded by others who are on their journey.
You can do this!
Are you ready?
There are a series of videos & handouts below to guide you on your journey. If you have any questions, post them on the Facebook group. Don’t forget to mention you are on this course so Kay can better understand how to help.